Painted ladies

So many pretty events going on right now! My red boots are of course for La Venta Eventa - Jackal posted about it over here. And our dresses are from Schadenfreude for Etheria. I love seeing what Allegory does with clothing - I want more floofy dresses!
On Jackal:
Dress - Schadenfreude Black Devere for Etheria 2
Eyes - Den-dou vampire eyes (no longer available)
Skin - Fashionably Dead - Vampire skin (no longer available)
Hair - Wasabi Pills - Cherry mesh hair rouge
Boots - lassitude & ennui Selene boots black (not yet available ;)
Pose - Glitterati
On Acha:
Boots: Lassitude & Ennui Selene mesh boots
Skin: Frick Confetti - Apricot group gift
Dress: Schadenfreude DeVere 2 in sapphire
Collar: La Malvada Mujer - lou lou a l'ecole
Hair: SLink fiona