Bows and toes

- Have you read Jackal's fascinating WIP blog post yet? If not, damn. She's making mesh feet!
- Have you found my cute neck bow yet? It's hidden in a teacup for the cafe hunt!
Bow: Lassitude & Ennui ophelia roses and pearls necktie
Hair: Maitreya Jordyn - white
Top: Zaara Zayba cross top in espresso (unintentionally steampunky top!)
Eyes: Mutsu coffee eyes
Horns: Illusions Dalli horns
Circlet: Lassitude & Ennui leaf circlet in copper
Pants: Ingenue Cara Trousers
Undershirt: ~silentsparrow~ (sepia) meadowlark
Skin: fashionably Dead bird skin - winter 3