White and cream brocade

"Official browser updated," I thought to myself. "I think I'll try shadows and see if they're still broken on my MacBook Pro here." And lo, they were fixed. Not only that, but the way to change environment was so much better that I managed to make the lighting decent! It's been a long time, Second Life. Oh you frustrate me so. But it's all worth it to photo Jackal's new Selene mesh boots all purty (below). Go see these shoes, and eternally-autumnal Nouveau, (over here)

Boots: Lassitude & Ennui Selene mesh boots in white/cream
Makeup: Miss Shippe's Shop columbine avant la danse
Socks: Honey Kitty (bk+black) diamond tights
Horns: Rue horn'd confessor in mother of pearl
Cuffs: ~silentsparrow~ (batty) (ash) chapiteau wristlettes
Scarf: League scarf wrap-retro
Hair: fashionably Dead shove it in grayscale
Corset: ~silentsparrow~ (dovey) chapiteau corset (ash)
Shirt under the corset: ~silentsparrow~ (silver) ribbon top redux
Skin: fashionably Dead vampire skin
Skirt: ~silentsparrow~ (ash) kurai tart
Other shirt under the corset: ~silentsparrow~ (ash) corbie sweater
Gloves: ~silentsparrow~ (dove) ryou suit gloves