Boots galore @ Lassitude & Ennui

After some of the recent L&E releases, I vowed to myself to never do more than one thing at a time, and never more than 5-6 colors .. and as all good intentions go, it was quickly forgotten as once more I launched into the crazyness of finishing not one, not two but three different styles of victorian-ish boots! Doing releases is the part where SL becomes a "classical" MMORPG for me - the grind of doing dozens of posters, texturing many dozens of boots, checking permissions and names and whatnot .. So between rounds of Oblivion to keep the spirits up, and trying to speed up the workflow with some clever scripting (which, quite predictably, back-fired pretty quickly ... but with a bit more work to straighten the various kinks, that auto-texturing script might become something very usefull) I finally managed to get those pretties into the store. And now, please excuse me while I go dance barefoot in the snow - I'm sick of boots for now.

All the details & info here: - also please note that the leg part isn't guaranteed to fit all manners of AV sizes & shapes - there is a demo available, do me & you a favor and just try it on, it'll cost you 0L$ and a minute of your time.


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