lassitude & ennui Saltarello slippers new for We love RP, and marketplace update!
New from lassitude & ennui for We love RP, the Saltarello slippers. These soft suede leather slippers are inspired by medieval footwear and feature intricate embroidery and a side lacing. Perfect for elven or fantasy roleplay. Close-up and taxi after the cut!
Fits male and female Slink flat feet. 180L$ at We love RP, will be 280L$ at the lassitude & ennui main store after the event ends. Each color comes with both gold and silver embroidered version. We love RP runs from June 4th to June 30th.
Taxi to We love RP
Also, I've finally updated the marketplace with the latest items from Fantasy Faire and Goth Fair. Visit lassitude & ennui on the SL marketplace!