lassitude & ennui new Nostalgia boots & Wanderlust in mens' sizes!
Nothing says summer like a new pair of boots, right? The lassitude & ennui Nostalgia boots are a more girly version of the Wanderlust boots, with dusty colors and rose-embossed leather. Details and more pics after the cut!
Rigged mesh, standard sizes (the exact same sizes as Wanderlust, so if those fit, they will too!) 8 colors in total and permissions mod / copy / no transfer. Rigged mesh can't be resized, but you can still tint and rename. 280L$ per color, or 1100L$ for the fatpack.
And finally, Wanderlust boots in guy sizes! I used the men's standard sizes for those, first time I'm doing stuff for men using standard sizing, so I hope these will fit you guys. If you previously bought the Wanderlust boots and would like to have the men's sizes as well on the same avatar, just drop me an IM or notecard!