Lassitude & Ennui at the Vintage Fair

Sepia and Spectator Shoes (2)

The Vintage Fair is next week, and in honor if it, Lassitude & Ennui has come out with a gorgeous set of Spectator shoes. Jackal (in her more boyish form) and I posed in the new shoes just to tease you a little about what you can't have until next week…

Sepia and Spectator Shoes (1)

Sepia and Spectator Shoes (3)

The madame:
Shoes: Lassitude & Ennui Vintage Fair Spectator Shoes in brown - mesh
Socks: Honey Kitty bk+white diamond tights
Tattoo: Garden of Ku Hanamachi Dream
Skirt: Jane pencil skirt in tan - mesh
Glasses: /artilleri/ meredith glasses in yellow
Skin: (fd) morning sun - flf red
Hair: Clawtooth femme fatale (pony) - break of dawn
Shirt: Ingenue Margueritte sweater in Latte
Necklace: Lassitude & Ennui Cameo Necklace

The monsieur:
hair: Kin - Cricket (black)
hat: (O&N) Fedora Buckle (basic)
skin: the body co. Ash (01 Fair)
shirt: Schadenfreude Noir Oxford
shoes: lassitude & ennui Spectator shoes for Vintage Fair
suit: Zac dark mesh suit
cigarette: Bloody Mess Cigarette Holder


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